Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Faith That Pleases God

The FAITH that pleases God…without FAITH it is impossible to please God

Most of us by now, have memorized or have an idea of the biblical definition of FAITH, which is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1). So what does this mean for you and I in our everyday lives. Well, FAITH is the line by which God speaks and communicates to His children. Sadly, many of us are ineffective in our ability to communicate with God, solely because of our lack of FAITH.
Keep in mind that it does not matter how small or great your faith is, what matters is whether or not you chose to have faith or chose to fear and doubt. Remember that FAITH as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Just imagine the size of a mustard seed, how tiny they are. If you have just a little FAITH, it will give rise to greater FAITH. So, why do we lack the FAITH that pleases God?
   1.  We are not walking by the Spirit, but rather by the flesh. The flesh is inclined to please man (mortal being) and the Spirit is compelled to please God (eternal being)…If you do not walk by the spirit, you will fulfill the lust of the flesh, or you will give in to your fleshly desires (Galatians 5:16).

2.     The Fear of man hinders us from walking out what God has placed within our hearts. We fear what others will say, think, and feel about our actions…you should fear God more than man (Matthew 10:28)

3.     Condemnation from the enemy (Satan) is basically lies that the enemy uses against us to weaken our faith, weak faith=doubt, fear & deception (Romans 8:1)
4.     Open doors, sin in our lives definitely interrupts our communication with God, our ability to hear and listen to his voice, When God speaks to us, all His communication, whether it’s through guiding us, revealing his love to us or protecting us, is directed towards increasing our FAITH and Trust in Him. In communicating to us, He desires to show us that He is Who He says He is, that He is FAITHFUL to His promises, and that He can be trusted. (Romans 6:23)

5.     Lack of communication with God: some of us do not have a daily relationship with our creator. We rarely speak to him or create time to know Him more. If you don’t know God, or don’t spend time with Him, how can you receive the FAITH you need to triumph over life’s circumstances. The FAITH we need to overcome, is directly from the author (Creator) of our Faith, Jesus. Jesus is the Author, Perfecter and Finisher of our Faith. 

Not walking by the Spirit, the fear of man, condemnation, and open doors clouds and distorts our vision of the sovereignty and greatness of God. The FAITH that pleases God believes and is confident in the fact that God is Able to carry them through the storms, trials, and tribulations of life, victoriously. In the midst of frustration, discouragement, pain, and grief, they continuously declare that My God is a Faithful God, His promises are True, every one of His words runs swiftly to accomplish its’ purpose, God is fighting for my affections, and has promised to stand by my side till the end! I have no need to fear and worry, because my FAITH is in the ONE that conquered death and the grave, and that same power is within me to Overcome.

The One who created the universe out of nothing has a history of accomplishing the impossible. When we forsake what this life has to offer and follow Him, He does the impossible once again, He gives us eternal life! (ODB)

Jesus, Give me the Faith I need to Overcome in this season of life. I believe that you are the Author, Perfecter, and Finisher of my Faith. You are my healer, my deliverer, my shield, my buckler, and my Hiding place. I rest in the assurance that you are in total control of life’s circumstances. I ask that you continue to mold and make me, continue to clean out the crevices of doubt and fear within my heart. I desire to be part of your history of accomplishing the impossible. Jesus I surrender all to you, I ask that you have full reign in my life and be Glorified, In Jesus Name, Amen.   

Philippians 1:6…Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus, Amen. 

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