Sunday, February 22, 2015

Are You About The Father's Business                                                                                            

Just thinking Just about the Mercy, love, and compassion of God. How He loves that which He created with a love that covers all sins. Just thinking about how He adopted us into His family, without any reservations in His heart. Just thinking about How He sent His son to die for the family he adopted. He desired for this family to enjoy the fullness of life that was paid for by his own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  With this sacrifice, we can now live a life knowing that we are loved, cherished, and secured by the Most High. We can now have a reason and a purpose to live for. Life will never be pointless, but forever purposeful. Just as Christ has brought value and meaning to our lives through the ultimate sacrifice, He has commanded us to do the same for others. To do the same means to take up our cross, and follow him. To do the same means to deny ourselves, to follow Christ. To do the same means to count everything else as loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. To do the same means to seek first the Kingdom of God. To do the same means to have the faith that is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not yet seen. To do the same means to base our rewards on heavenly riches. To do the same means to be Christ’s hands and feet. To do the same means to run the race of Faith with endurance. To do the same means to press towards the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. Most of all, to do the same means to always be about the “Father’s Business”.  Because you were about “the Father’s Business”, lives were touched and changed forever. The seeds of love you planted in these lives have opened the Door for many more to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Reflection: Can you say that you’ve been about the Father’s business or yours?
1. Do you find it hard to create time to spend with God, due to your busy schedule as a mom, dad, student, and business professional, you name it

2. Are you more concerned about you and your family living a comfortable life, than reaching out to another family, who is in need of the items that you really don’t have surplus of, but can afford to give?
3. Are you constantly looking for ways to serve others and ways to be involved in more Christian fellowship activities or  are you asking God to show you the needs that He would like you to meet, and the needs that you are meeting that are not meant to be on your schedule?

If you answered yes to at least 2 of these questions, I encourage you to ask the Lord to…Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24God has not called you to be the General Manager of the Universe, but has called you to be a seeker of His Heart, a God pleaser not a people pleaser, and a watchman on wall. He is satisfied with just you and you alone! Your works does not matter when it come to the UN-conditional LOVE of Daddy God! 

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