Sunday, February 22, 2015

Being Complete In Christ…

Being Complete In Christ…

I am complete in Christ and Christ in God, The reason Jesus was complete in God, was because of His perfect submission to His (God’s) will. Being complete comes from being one with Christ. It comes from allowing our souls longings and desires to be satisfied with the Creator of those longings and desires. We were created to long, anticipate, hunger, and look forward to eternity with Christ. That’s what our longings should be towards. Maranatha, come Lord, Jesus, come! The longing and desire to be loved and accepted, comes from our creator. Only Him, can fill that void. He created that void for a reason, because He wants to prove to us, and show us, that He truly is the Only One that can satisfy our hearts deepest desires. Not money, sex, a significant other, career, friends, relatives, the list goes on and on. He alone can satisfy. Just think, after you get that dream car, that desired career, that tall or short, chocolate, dark, caramel or even vanilla man of your dreams or woman of your dreams, you are still going to encounter the feelings of the need to be loved, cherished, and accepted, if you have not yet come to the understanding that Jesus is the only true source that can satisfy your heart’s deepest needs. He is the only true source of contentment, joy in the midst of sorrow and pain, peace that passes all understanding, love that comes without conditions, and an identity that is complete.

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