Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hidden Appointments of Love Taken from: Francis J. Roberts in Come Away My Beloved
This is my doing. (1 kings 12:24). The disappointments of life are simply the hidden appointments of love.
My child, I have a message for you today. Let Me, whisper it in your ear so any storm clouds that may arise will shine with glory, and the rough places you may have to walk will be made smooth. It is only four words, but let them sink into your inner being, and use them as a pillow to rest your weary head. “This is my doing.” Have you ever realized that whatever concerns you concerns Me too? “For whoever touches you touches the apple of [my] eye” (Zach 2:8). “You are precious and honored in my sight” (Isa 43:4). Therefore it is My special delight to teach you. I want you to learn when temptations attack you, and the enemy comes in “like a pent-up flood (Isa. 59:19), that “this is my doing” and that your weakness needs My strength, and your safety lies in letting Me fight for you. Are you in difficult circumstances, surrounded by people who do not understand you, never ask for your opinion, and always push you aside? “This is my doing.” I am the God of circumstances. You did not come to this place by accident- you are exactly where I meant for you to be. Have you not asked Me to make you humble? Then see that I have placed you in the perfect school where this lesson is taught. Your circumstances and the people around you are only being used to accomplish My will.

Are you having problems with money, finding it hard to make ends meet? This is my doing.” for I am the One who keeps your finances, and I want you to learn to depend upon Me. My supply is limitless and I “will meet all your needs” (Phil 4:19).  I want you to prove My promises so no one may say, “You did not trust in the Lord your God” (Deut. 1:32).

Are you experiencing a time of sorrow? “This is my doing.” I am “a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering” (Isa 53:3). I have allowed your earthly comforters to fail you, so that by turning to Me you may receive “eternal encouragement and good hope” (2 Thess. 2:16). Have you longed to do some great work for Me but instead have been set aside on the bed of sickness and pain? “This is my doing.”You were so busy I could not get your attention, and I wanted to teach you some of My deepest truths. “They also serve who only stand and wait.” In fact, some of My greatest workers are those physically unable to serve, but who have learned to wield the powerful weapon of prayer. Today I place a cup of holy oil in your hands. Use it freely. My child. Anoint with it every new circumstance, every word that hurts you, every interruption that makes you impatient, and every weakness you have. The pain will leave as you learn to see Me in all things. “This is from Me, “the Savior said, As bending low He kissed my brow. “For One who loves you thus has led. Just rest in Me, be patient now, You Father knows you have need of this, Though, why perhaps you cannot see—Grieve not for things you’ve seems to miss. The thing I send is best for thee.” Then, looking through my tears, I plead, “Dear Lord, forgive, I did not know, It will not be hard since You do tread, Each path before me here below.” And for my good this thing must be, His grace sufficient for each test. So still I’ll sing. “Whatever be God’s way for me is always best.”

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