Sunday, February 22, 2015

Just a little about what Jesus death and Resurrection Means to Me

 1. My history and lineage dates back to the cross, which assures my Identity

2. His Grace is enough for me to overcome my addictions, struggles, battles, cycles, and shortcomings. His Grace is Sufficient.
3. The reason Jesus demonstrated His love by dying on the cross, was so I could never have any reason to doubt His Massive, Great, and Extraordinary Love for me!

3. I can live free from condemnation

4. Jesus is not dead, but He is alive!
5. The same power that conquered the grave is within me!
6. My identity in Him (Jesus) was bought at such a high price
7. I was the joy that was set before him that he endured the cross
8. He saw me as a reward for his pain, suffering, and humiliation when He was on the cross
9. I was worth the dreadful and excruciating suffering He endured
10. My inability to grasp the “ALL-In One Sacrificial LOVE package deal” paid for by the blood gushing out of His veins, the intense torture He endured, and the excruciating pain he felt, is the doubt that will ultimately KEEP ME from fulfilling the purpose and the plans He has for my life.
11. God wants me to enjoy the benefits of the cross He sent His son Jesus to pay for
I can never be able to list a complete list of the benefits of Christ’s
death and resurrection, because the benefits of the high price He paid are COUNTLESS!!!
You are truly my Defender, my Redeemer, my Strong Tower, my Healer, my Refuge, and an ever present help that never fails.
(updated 03.31.13)

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