Sunday, February 22, 2015

…Not Your Failures, But Your Doubts

…Not Your Failures, But Your Doubts
Have you ever thought to yourself, if I fail, I will never reach my goals, or this failure will definitely delay my progress? If so, I have good news for you, which come straight from the heart of Christ, which is…God wants you to know that your failures will not keep you from your purpose in life. It will not keep you from fulfilling the plans that I have for you. It does not matter what the details of your failure entails, whether it be a past mistake or a wrong decision, His Love covers it all, it’s an ALL INCLUSIVE DEAL! So, because His LOVE covers it all, your doubts of His GREAT LOVE without conditions, is what will keep you from fulfilling the plans and the destiny He has for you! Plain and Simple. Yes, if you are unable to understand the FACT that He paid the price for the fulfillment of your destiny at the cross, the price which included (your failures, mistakes, feelings of insignificance, unworthiness ) your inability to grasp the “ALL-In One Sacrificial LOVE package deal” paid for by the blood gushing out of His veins, the intense torture He endured, and the excruciating pain he felt, is the doubt that will ultimately KEEP YOU from fulfilling the purpose and the plans He has for your life. (to be continued in next issue on 2.10.13) Added 2.3.13

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