Sunday, August 16, 2015

I Think To Myself…Just Like Moses

I Think To Myself…Just Like Moses

I think about myself, and realize that I can liken myself to a Moses. Moses was a leader, mentor, servant, intercessor, and One that felt incapable and insignificant when God called Him to do something that seemed to be far above His human capabilities. God set high standards and expectations for Him. In my walk with Christ, I feel that the standards and expectations that the Holy Spirit has communicated to me to abide by and follow, can be very difficult and challenging at times. Just like Moses, I can’t do the things that everyone else in my age group is able to do. I am not able to just watch any movie I choose, dress in any way I feel, listen to just about any music, say whatever comes to my mind, hang out with just about every person, date any guy that I like, and make life decisions as I feel, the list goes on and on. If I want to be in line with the calling on my life, I have to abide by the rules and regulations set before me, not those that were set for others.

Updated August 16, 2015

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