Monday, April 17, 2017

Your Promises Are Backed …By All the Honor of Your Name

Your Promises Are Backed …By All the Honor of Your Name

In the past three months, the desire to begin my Renewed & Refreshed blogs has burned deep within me, but the emotional struggle to overcome the frustrations of this season, stripped me of the motivation to actually start writing again. I know the healings and the breakthroughs that I have received over several past seasons of my life, have come through writing from my brokenness and pains. Taking the step to be vulnerable about my daily reality and encouraging and mentoring others through this vulnerability, has been the outlet to my victories and freedom.

So, here we go, Beloved!

I want to start out and speak to your innermost being, that God’s promises over your life, are backed by all the Honor of His Name. Oh, yes, Thank you Daddy God. In this season of my life, I am believing God for the fulfillment of some promises over my life. One specific promise, is one that I have trusteed God for, for almost 3 years. This unfulfilled promise has been a source of frustration, discouragement, discontent and much emotional ups and downs. Of course, as most of us know, as we wait for the fulfillment of a promise, the defeated foe (the enemy) presents us with opportunities to fellowship with defeat. What I mean by fellowshipping with defeat, is that the enemy wants us to camp out with him, falling for all kinds of emotions that are attached with a defeated mentality, during our waiting seasons. This mentality can range from complaining, anger, frustration, sadness, jealousy, hopelessness, worthlessness, and thoughts of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness in the sense that you may feel that you have lived a righteous life, and don’t understand why such and such is happening in your life. Beloved, that is a mentality of defeat.

So, as I woke up one morning with some of the above emotions, I sat up on my bed as I picked up my Bible, and randomly turned to Psalms 138. Physically, though I just woke up, I was exhausted and discouraged. As I started reading Psalms 138, I came across versus 2 & 3 that says… “for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.”

Dearly Beloved, can you imagine the Creator of the Universe, standing right in front of you and speaking these words to you. Can you imagine your Eternal Daddy telling you, that every promise that He has spoken over your life, whether it’s through a prophetic word, a dream, a vision, or a word he dropped right into your Spirit, can you imagine Him telling you that I am going to back what I am saying to you by ALL the Honor of my Name. Let me break this down a little more for you. When you back something up, you want to prove that it is true. You want to assure the receiver that they can be assured of its viability, functionality, legitimacy and so on. So, the Lord is saying the following to you:

1. I have not forgotten you, nor have I forgotten my promises over your life
2. My Promises over your life are finalized. Nothing will cause me to withdraw those promises from you
3.  You can be assured that the fulfillment date has already been set on the palm of my hands
4. I am sealing this deal (the Promise Fulfilled) up with the Honor of My Name!
5. There is no need to worry or fret, it’s a done deal, because I will never allow anyone to get my Glory
6. My Name is Glorious, my Name Supernatural, my Name is Everlasting, my Name is Sovereign
7. I have placed the signature of my name over those promises, so just receive my peace and assurance as you Rejoice in its fulfillment!

Beloved, what are those promises that you have wrapped so tightly in your heart? For some, the promises may be known by many around you, but for others, it may just be you and the Lord that know about the promise. I know there are some of you that have doubts because of things that have taken place in the physical. So, for you, it may have come to the point where it seems the fulfillment is impossible. I just want to remind you that the One who has Conquered death and the grave, specializes in Impossibilities, and says that He backs His specialty with the Honor of His Name.

Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone reading this blog today, I pray that you will inscribe deep down within their hearts the revelation of what it looks like for the promises over their lives to be backed by the honor of your name. Oh, Abba, you are so gracious about personalizing things in such a way that it would catapult us into a new level of trust and faith in you. Do this for your Beloved Ones. Jesus, this is the season of your Resurrection. Resurrect hearts that are discouraged, down-cast, or at the point of giving up. Let a new joy arise within their hearts. A joy that breaks forth in a confident assurance. In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.

Psalm 138:1-3New Living Translation (NLT)
A psalm of David.
I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart;
    I will sing your praises before the gods.
I bow before your holy Temple as I worship.
    I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness;
for your promises are backed
    by all the honor of your name.
As soon as I pray, you answer me;
    you encourage me by giving me strength.

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