Sunday, February 22, 2015

In God’s Economy, A plus B Does Not Always Equal C…A+B≠C

An economy consists of the economic system of a certain country or region, which comprises the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of goods and services in that country or area. From an investment perspective, an economy depends on, and is limited by, available capital and resources, including land and labor.

Oh, Yea! Thank you Lord for revelation that fuels our love and passion to know you more! So this past weekend I was speaking to two new friends about learning to just trust the Lord without always trying to understand and make sense of life circumstances. As I was speaking, I heard the Lord say, A + B is not always equal to C. Ok, Lord, that seems to make sense in the way you work. So let’s break this down, what does this really mean.
Why A+B does not always equal C?

Ø We can never always understand God’s ways. We know things happen for a reason, but we can never always figure out the reason for everything we go through, but as a believer, we know there is purpose to everything we face.  Isaiah 55:7-8 speaks more about God’s ways being higher than our ways, and His thoughts being higher than our thoughts.

Ø God is Supernatural

Ø God does not call those that are equipped, He equips those that He calls

Ø His Grace is unmerited and undeserved

Ø You may have come from a broken, painful, and horrible past, but your past does not define your future, He is a God of restoration!

Ø If you have been praying for healing for years, just keep praying persistently, and don’t give up, just because you don’t see any answers yet, does not mean you are going to be in this same condition for years to come. My God is a God that still answers prayers. It’s just a matter of time! Healing is not a thing of the past, it’s a thing of yesterday, today, and forever.
Ø If you feel that you don’t have the finances or education to accomplish something you’ve always desired, God can send those finances your way in a matter of seconds. Hey don’t forget, my father owns the cattle on a thousand hills
Ø Your times are in God’s hand: A day is like a year in His sight, a 1,000 years is like a day
Be Encouraged and claim that A + B does not equal C over your life. Jesus is in complete control and you will overcome!
(Added 4/21/13)

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