Sunday, February 22, 2015

This is just a quick rundown on what I have learned in Just being ME!
Before I give this list, I just want to say that I have never written something about loving myself before, because I truly never really loved who God made me to be, until in the past 2 years, or even less than that, and keep in mind I am a year away from 30. I have struggled for years in accepting me for me. I had so many faults, weaknesses, shame, regrets and downfalls, that loving me was impossible. I remember always putting others first and serving them, because I felt they were better than me due to their talents, skills, titles, and possessions, and that they deserved to be served by me! When God revealed to me the high value I was to Him, and how His heart breaks when I feel inferior and worthless, it also caused my heart to break. The Creator of the Universe loves you so much that He is fighting to see that you realize how precious, valuable, and beautiful you are to Him. As I am writing this, I am looking back and realizing how bad I treated myself and thought about myself. I realize that God is truly Mighty to Save us from our destructive ways, and help us to live in the freedom that He paid for at such a high price. (More to come on this in the next blog). I believe our Loving Father, God, is waiting for us to acknowledge the un-debatable fact that we are of great value to Him, despite our past, present, and future mistakes and downfalls. Thank You Jesus!
ØI do not have to change the way I am with different environments, groups, or people ØI can be more honest with myself and others
ØMy confidence in who God has created me to be has increased tremendously
ØI am able to accept my faults, struggles, and downfalls more, and depend on the Lord to help me overcome and live a victorious life
ØI have higher standards for myself
ØI have now come to the realization that I do not have to please anyone on this Earth, except for God
ØI do not have to explain myself to everyone
ØI can now be free to live up to God’s standards and expectations of me
ØI don’t worry as much what others feel and think about me
ØI feel free to love Jesus more, and live an honest life before Him
ØI realize that not everyone will like me or accept me
ØI can freely accept the love of Christ and give it to others
ØMy gifting is able to flow more freely
ØHidden talents and gifting have been unleashed
ØI don’t seek affirmations from others continually
ØI go to God more for direction and affirmation, than people
ØI am assured that no matter what, God’s love and grace is available to me unconditionally, and the list goes on and on….
Lord I pray for everyone reading this blog that is struggling to accept the unique beautiful individual you have created them to be. Father, I ask that you would wrap your arms around them, and that you would inscribe the revelation of their worth and they value to you in their hearts. Lord, I pray that you take away the hindrances that keep them from receiving your unconditional love and grace. Reveal your love, Jesus. Reveal their purpose to them. Help them to entrust their lives totally to you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen! Added on April 28, 2013

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