Sunday, February 22, 2015

What are your FEARS? Freedom from your FEARS can be a Reality!!!

What are your FEARS?  Freedom from your FEARS can be a Reality!!!

I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears…Psalms 34:4

More than ever before in my life I have been confronted by the BIG FOM. Well, that’s the acronym I have given to the Fear of Man. Due to the fact that I have ALLOWED what seems like a “big giant” to bully and taunt me for years, it’s been difficult to truly walk in the freedom that was paid for over 2,000 ago, on the cross, by the Man Christ Jesus.  

So what makes it so challenging for us as the Children of God to walk in a freedom that was given to us as a gift and paid for at such a high price? What is the power or force behind the faces of men that often so controls our actions, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and overall thought patterns? Have you ever taken the time to examine the reasons behind your FEARS, especially the reasons behind your FEAR of Man? Have you? No, actually have you sat down to write out reasons why you are tied up in so much fear, anxiety, oppression, or paranoia in relation to that supervisor, director, co-worker, staff member, teacher, professor, parent, cousin, family member, pastor, counselor, or church member? You name it.

As I was listing my reasons, I could not even come up with more than 3 legitimate reasons, which all centered on the following:

Ø The FEAR that I may fail and the individuals may look down on me and talk about me (Fear of Failure)…this includes the feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, lack of ability or usefulness

Ø The FEAR of losing friendships or relationships if I speak my mind and stand for what I believed (Fear of Rejection and loneliness)…this includes the feelings of desiring the praise of men

Ø The FEAR that I may not meet the standards of the individual (Fear of Perfectionism)  

    You may have been able to list more than these or even less than the above list. The true question is how legitimate are the ones you have listed? Are they actually reasonable? Though I mentioned earlier that all my reasons seemed legitimate or valid to me, they are certainly not legitimate or valid to the Creator of the Universe, God! This is due to the fact that the answer to all our fears comes from seeking the face of God. God has given us all the power and authority we need to overcome our fears. The more we seek His face, the more we receive the power, authority, wisdom, and confidence to walk in FREEDOM from our fears.
Why do we allow the faces that God created to bring anxiety and fear into our lives? Yes, the faces of men may come off as intimidating, depressing, down-grading, oppressing, controlling and demanding. BUT the face of that individual is only a shadow of one of the greatest tactics the enemy uses to drag us into a state of paranoia, timidity, confusion, self-pity, bondage, depression, guilt, and most of all condemnation. You were created to live in freedom, not held captive or in bondage to the feelings, attitudes, thoughts, or behaviors of others. It was for FREEDOM  He (God) set us FREE!!!
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because He loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Psalms 91:11-14
No matter what your FEARS may be in this life, the Creator of the Universe specializes in delivering His Children from anything that holds them captive from fulfilling their purpose here on Earth. He has a track record of taking our Fears and turning them into VICTORIES!
More to come on this topic!

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