Sunday, February 22, 2015

It Was For Freedom He (God) Set Us Free

It Was For Freedom He (God) Set Us Free
In the last blog, I talked about the fear of man, and promised there would be more to come on that topic. I would like to open up this blog with a statement from the previous blog.
Why do we allow the faces that God created to bring anxiety and fear into our lives? Yes, the faces of men may come off as intimidating, depressing, down-grading, oppressing, controlling and demanding. BUT the face of that individual is only a shadow of one of the greatest tactics the enemy uses to drag us into a state of paranoia, timidity, confusion, self-pity, bondage, depression, guilt, and most of all condemnation. You were created to live in freedom, not held captive or in bondage to the feelings, attitudes, thoughts, or behaviors of others. It was for FREEDOM  He (God) set us FREE!!!
We read the Bible and learn about people like Daniel, the three Hebrew brothers, David, Noah, Joshua, Moses, Solomon, Nicodemus, and so much more. I wonder how well we truly realize and believe that these individuals were just normal human beings, just like us. They too had feelings, fears and anxieties, just like us. They too, had to overcome the BIG FOM, the fear of man. So lets explore more into their  lives.
David, did not partake in the spirit of fear of the former generation that were fearful of the Giant that taunted Israel for years. He did not allow the history of the fierceness of the giant to intimidate him, neither did he focus on the physical appearance of what he called “this uncircumcised philistine.”  Rather he focused on how great His God is, and the fact that the Great I Am, can empower him to overtake and conquer the Giant. 2 Samuel 21:15-22
Nicodemus, though, not talked about much in our everyday discussions of the bible, is one great example of what happens when the fear of man controls us. The Fear of Man caused Nicodemus to only come out at night. As a Jewish religious leader and a Pharisee, he was probably afraid of being judged, accused, or viewed in a negative light, and wanted to prevent these attacks by staying away until dark. John 3.
Noah, Noah, may have been perceived as crazy and insane when he shared the instructions God gave Him with others on building an ark in the middle of nowhere. He did not care about the thoughts, opinions, or the logical perspective of others, His focus was on pleasing the one that created him. Noah, may have been perceived as crazy and insane when he shared the instructions God gave Him with others, building an ark in the middle of nowhere.
All in all, the fear of man and desiring the praise of men is loving darkness. We need to come to the point when we realize that the fear of man is not OK and should not be something that terrifies us in our daily lives. It is a lie that this fear is normal and cannot be overcome. That is a lie that many Christians have accepted and believed, that in turn, have kept them in bondage and oppression. So, ask the Lord to free you from the fears that have held you captive and in torment. As a child of God, its your inheritance to live a life free from the fear of man. The price for this freedom has already been paid for over 2,000 ago, on the cross, by the Man Christ Jesus. 
It was for FEEDOM He (God) set you FREE!!! 

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