Sunday, February 22, 2015

You Are For Me, Not Against Me

You Are For Me, Not Against Me
A personal journal entry
In the most trying times of life, God, you may seem so far. In the darkest times of life, you may seem so dark.  In the cloudiest times of life, when I am confused with no sense of direction, I turn to you. I turn to you to find hope, I turn to you to find peace, I turn to you to find a strength that will pull me through these desperate times. During these seasons, when I feel that all is against me, I am assured that you are for me. Though it has been a long journey through this life lesson, I now know that you were the force that propels me through. Though everything that I considered of value, was stripped off of me, they were replaced with the most valuable and most treasonable possession, which is you, Jesus. I discovered that the most valuable things of this life does not compare to the priceless possession (joy) of knowing you. Sovereign One, you proved again to be so faithful and true. You proved to be the friend that sticks closer than a brother. You proved to be the light that shined brighter than the darkness surrounding me.
You are truly my Defender, my Redeemer, my Strong Tower, my Healer, my Refuge, and an ever present help that never fails.
You Are For Me, Not Against Me!
Remember that no matter what you go through in Life; God is for you and not against you! That’s a promise you can count on a 100%. The promise that the Creator of the Universe, is fighting for you, declaring war on your behalf, and claiming the Victory for you!!! You are His prized possession; you are the Apple of His eyes  

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