Sunday, February 22, 2015

What do I value that is more than my relationship with God

What do I value that is more than my relationship with God
In Matthew 19:16-26, a young rich man is asking Jesus what it would take for him to gain eternal life, or what good thing must He do to get eternal life. Jesus tells him a few commandments to obey, and the man tells him that he’s done all that. Then Jesus responds back and tells the man to sell all His possessions, give to the poor and follow him..
… The man turns around and walks away in sadness-when He realized he would have to give up his wealth-the very thing he valued more than a relationship with Jesus!
After reading this passage, I started to reflect on what do I value that is more than my relationship with God, what is that One thing that my thoughts and intentions are driven the most by, what is that one thing that I feel will satisfy me the most, what is that one thing that makes up my comfort zone, what is that one thing I am working hard to achieve with all my strength, that one thing I take so much pride in, that one thing that  I identify myself the most by, that one thing that sometimes breaks me up from within, that one thing that causes me to hold unforgiveness in my heart, that one thing I feel that needs justice within me.
So what is that ONE THING in your life, is it the desire for a relationship with a significant other, your desire to be married, your desire to have children, is it wealth, fame, or beauty, is it your accomplishments, is it your dreams, goals, or aspirations, your need to be loved and accepted, your hurts, your past, or your present circumstance???
Whatever the case may be ask the Lord, to reveal the truth of your IDENTITY in Him. Ask Him to remove the things that have replaced him in your life, ask Him to come and fill your heart and to satisfy your desires with His love and affections.
Allow Jesus to be your MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION!!!
Psalms 27:4-5 This ONE THING I ask of the Lord, the thing I seek most is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His Temple. For He will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary, He will place me out of reach on a hugh rock.

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