Saturday, April 18, 2015

Deep Thoughts on the Legging

Deep Thoughts on the Legging

Warning: This really isn’t a story to share or to collect but rather random thoughts on a subject of truly shallow depth that won’t be relevant within two fashion cycles. I know others have ranted long on this topic. It’s my turn.


I get it. They are comfortable and cheap. Leggings are readily available. You know when Walgreens has an end cap crammed full, people are buying. They look great on ALL people…from the ankle to the knee. They look great on SOME people far into the heavens above the knee. They have elastic waists and that is always a plus. They come in all colors and even all sorts of funky and cute designs. They are the righteous commander of layering and best of all? A built-in girdle for us lovelies over 45. I totally get leggings and I love them.


All that rationalization still does not make leggings … well, pants. I’m sorry. Leggings are more on the line of panty hose, really. Nontransparent panty hose. The double cousin of tights.

Someone really slipped this one in and I know who it was. I blame the leggings popularity on its forerunner, Mr. Boots. Because boots showed up all trendy and cute and we tried cramming our boot cut jeans and cords into these leatherish containers. We walked around with fat ankles and rumpled knees until someone said screw it and just settled on leggings. As pants. Which is tragic.

Do I need to explain why this is fashion tragedy? Come on people. You get it too, right? All the beautiful real estate that lies  between the ribs and upper thighs is already reserved for ballerinas and lifeguards and gymnasts within the context of their art. Not exactly the places our eyes need touring on a normal Tuesday at school or work or even on routine errands.

Here is the fashion white elephant I’m choosing to call out this morning. Leggings are an undergarment.

True. Story. Other garments NEED to be worn over them. Well more specifically, at least from the mid-thigh up, in my mothering bossy opinion. (And…cue a set of eyes rolling all the way from Texas) Yes, that portion of a layggin’ just need covering up. Now you may be one of those gals who can pull off the full monty of legging-ness. Jolly good for you. But in the name of loyal sisterhood, may we just agree to stand in solidarity to cover up the derriere?

We fellow sisters thank you in advance on behalf of our husbands and sons. We send thanks from those of us in your community who sometimes forget we don’t have the bod we used to and mimic trends even though lumps and bumps should stay wisely unexposed.

I understand it all gets complicated. For example, what to do with the exotic 2nd cousin legging used primarily for exercise? What about when gym time goes straight into coffee date time? Going for the long run and stopping by the store on the way home poses serious clothing dilemmas. We might argue that particular branch of the pant family are sturdier and less revealing due to the Lycra factor. Yes, Ok. We might let grace slide you by on that one. But only if you have actual sweat drops on your neckline while we witness you wearing them.  (I just remembered that I wrote about exercise tights last fall.) Dressing is hard sometimes. I know. I get it

I refuse to get all legalistic over where exactly the line should be drawn on said legging exposure. Upper thigh, mid thigh, lower thigh….Oh for goodness sake I don’t know.  But I’m firm on the fact that above the point where Barbies’ legs attach, nobody needs showing off in the context of normal day living. My personal line in the sand is this. If it would cause my grandmother to ask “Why is she walking around in her underwear?”, you need a longer shirt/tunic/dress.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.That’s my new legging motto.

Sometimes it is worth drawing a line against the flow of cultural fashion trends. Some things are best left mysterious. Sometimes you have to take one for the team.

Deep thoughts for a Thursday. You’re welcome.

Author’s Note: Wowza! Evidently this post hit a nerve. Holy Cow! Reminds me once again of the rich and precious power of words. Let me say: 1. These words were never written to shame any lovely soul. Last thing intended. 2. I never stated that leggings are bad. I wear them all the time. I only expressed my opinion that there just might be a right and wrong way to wear them. 3. This is cracking me up because who knew that leggings were such a hot-button topic! I’m the last person who wants to defend or debate them. No thanks! (That means no more comments will be posted) Feel free to look around The Story Place because I love sharing and collecting stories here and talking about the lessons we can learn from the greatest Storyteller. Have a nice legging wearing day!
Article derived from and credited to:

Updated April 12, 2015


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