Sunday, April 19, 2015

Forgiven & Free: Do you Struggle with Forgiving Yourself?

Forgiven & Free: Do you Struggle with Forgiving Yourself?

Happy Sunday! The Topic that I will be delving into this evening, is Forgiveness, more specifically learning to forgive yourself. Personally, I have struggled with this for years. Whenever I fall short, or sin, or do something that I feel goes against my set belief system, I tend to try and make myself, pay in for it. I verbally say things such as “how could you” “my goodness, you should know better” “oh, I can’t believe I did that” “Yea you are really going to suffer for this one,” and so on. So, what I have done in the past, is to literally deny myself of things, just so I can feel that I have punished myself for the sin.

As I am writing this blog and informing you of exactly why I have struggled to forgive myself for years and years, I realize how irrational, un-wise, foolish, plain “stupid”, and most of all religious this behavior is. If I truly believe the power of the Cross of Christ, and truly understand that the price for all my sins has been paid for once and for all, then why do I feel I need to take the place of God and pay another price, as if to say I have the Power to forgive my own sins. If I truly believe the power of the Cross of Christ, and truly understand that a price for all my sins has been paid for once and for all, why do I feel the need to punish myself, for the punishment that has already been received by Christ depicted by the torment, humiliation, six-inch thorns driven into his skull and the excruciating pain of my Savior’s crucifixion on the cross. If I truly believe the power of the Cross of Christ, and truly understand that the price for all my sins has been paid for once and for all, why do I feel the need to wrap all the pain, shame, anger, frustration, sorrow, regrets, and humiliation from my sins in the pockets of my heart, which ultimately will eat me up within and destroy me.

Making the decision to not forgive yourself, is purely a sense of Pride, in case you thought it was a form of humility due in part to you  showing God how sorrowful you are for missing the mark or falling short. It is also a form of Pride for the following reasons (please note the following are points I would like to highlight from the article titled Forgiving Yourself- A Belief System):

Ø If you do not forgive yourself of past sins, it is a form of pride. Whenever we enact a different set of rules, a higher set of standards for ourselves over others that is pride.

Ø When we can find it within ourselves to forgive others, but not ourselves, we are saying that we are less capable of making a poor decision than others. We are somehow more intuitive, wiser, more insightful, more careful than others, and therefore, we are without excuse and should not forgive ourselves.

Ø When we reject the forgiveness extended to us by God and others, when we refuse to forgive ourselves, what we are doing is setting ourselves above others and that is pride! Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Ø Un-forgiveness of oneself will bring self-destruction, a haughty spirit, and a fall. Christian forgiveness will bring peace.

So, here we go, Lord, I let go of all the un-forgiveness I have held within me. I let go and I give you permission to bring the healing and sanctification I need within my brokenness and distorted thinking. Help me to never underestimate the HIGH PRICE you paid on the cross for me. Help me to look back on that price, and truly believe that it was a once and for all price. Thank you for your Love Jesus, and your Desire to bring my struggle of not forgiving myself to light. Thank you for caring and loving me.  Father, I ask you to fill every heart reading this blog, with a sense of peace and delight that comes from you, as they let go of the self-un-forgiveness within their hearts. Release Hope and Refresh their inner man. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen!

Please feel free to pray the above prayer. The Lord is also saying this to you, “My Child, you still don’t understand the significance of the sacrifice I paid on the Cross. I am pleased with you, no matter what you do, or have done, or will do in the future. I want to bring you into a new realm of a freedom in me you know nothing about. It took this circumstance to open your eyes to a new forgiveness and healing. Just receive, just receive the peace that comes with the price that was paid. Let go of all the tension, anxiety and nervousness, and receive my Peace that surpasses your excuses, your fears, your self-righteousness, your perfectionist mentality, your fill in the blank. Just let Go! Allow me wash you, purify you, lift off the physical, emotional and mental load you’ve been carrying. The load was never meant for you to carry. So give every bit to me. I have you covered, with the all-time sacrifice. Nothing will separate you from my Love (Romans 8:31-39) – Love, Your Daddy God Who Rejoices Over You With Singing!
It's NOT about being PERFECT, it's about  being FORGIVEN!

April 19, 2015…To Be Continued on the next blog article dated April 26, 2015

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