Sunday, February 22, 2015

Your burdens are too heavy for you to carry, leave them at the alter for Me

Your burdens are too heavy for you to carry, leave them at the alter for Me…By: Tessy

During church service this morning a gentleman gave a Word from the Lord, "Your burdens are too heavy for you to carry leave them at the alter for Me." That Word just bothered me. How can a slave just do that and leave their burdens at the alter never to be picked up again?

Lord, please, I need a clear direct Word from You. I picked up a book given to me, "Come Away My Beloved" a compilation of Words from the Lord given to Frances J Roberts. My eyes fell on, "Thou dost not need to carry thine own load, for I will be happy to help thee carry it and to also bear thee up as well. Thou dost not walk alone nor meet any situation alone, for I am with thee, and I will give thee wisdom and I will give thee strength, and My blessing shall be upon thee."

I couldn't read anymore through the tears. The Lord just gave me a direct Word and comfort. Thank you, God! (Second hand Words from the Lord can be just as personal and direct as first hand.)

I went back to read the rest. "Only keep thine heart set upon Me and thine affections on things above; for I cannot bless thee unless ye ask Me and I cannot answer if ye do not call, and I cannot minister to thee except thou come to Me."

After morning church, I came home by myself this time and decided to have communion with the Lord, in thankfulness that He answered my request for a personal Word. I used milk to represent the Blood (wine) and cookies to represent the Body.

They were delicious, but bad mistake. My mind wasn't on Christ, it was on how I can make better cookies, and how I can best dip my cookies into my milk. I have learned not to do my will, but God's will; because He knows my weaknesses and His ways are way better than my ways.

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